Day 17 of 24 Days of Tea Tasting: Organic David’s Breakfast Blend.

Tea Information

Black Tea

High Caffeine

Ingredients: Organic black tea from Ceylon, Siri Lanka, and Assam, India.

Brewing Instructions:

475 ml (16 oz) of 95℃/200℉ water

Steep for 3-5 minutes


Sight: The loose leaf is a mixture of dark brown tea leaves, some more cool-toned and grass-like in shape, and others more warm-toned and round. It significantly increases in size as the tea steeps and the leaves open up. The liquor is a deep red-brown in colour.

Smell: The loose leaf has a wonderfully sweet, chocolatey smell to it. As the tea steeps, you start to smell more of the astringency, and in the end, you’re left with a blend of both smells.

Taste: This tea is very rich and smooth, and maintains a brisk and citrusy flavour from its astringency. When steeped correctly, it’s not too strong or bitter, and makes for a great tea to drink in the morning.


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This tea is honestly such a good drink to have in the morning, and I totally encourage you to give it a try if my description of it appeals to you.

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